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何苡萱 老師


卡帝塔安由五位年輕人共同創辦,一群各領域專業藝文人士創作不同觀點藝術文化影視相關作品,希望在既有的模式中注入活水帶動整個產業的活絡。 我們作品充滿著對傳統文化的敬意和探索,同時也融合了現代藝術的元素,讓觀眾在欣賞中得到心靈的震撼。


品牌設計 / 影視創作 / 藝術創作 / 刺青彩繪 / 音樂創作 / 自媒體行銷 / 文化活動課程

Master He Yixuan


KAKITAAN, co-founded by five young individuals, is a collective of professionals from various fields in arts and culture. Their creative works span different perspectives and encompass art, culture, and audiovisual content. The aim is to infuse fresh energy into existing models and invigorate the entire industry.

Their creations are a harmonious blend of traditional cultural reverence and modern artistic elements. Through their work, they seek to evoke profound emotional responses in their audience. KAKITAAN’s commitment to exploring and celebrating heritage while embracing contemporary artistry makes their projects both captivating and thought-provoking.

Selling Products

1. Brand Design

2. Film and Video Production

3. Artistic Creation

4. Tattoo Art

5. Music Composition

6. Self-Media Marketing

7. Cultural Event Courses




Brand Story

The entrepreneurial journey of KAKITAAN began as an adventure undertaken by five young individuals. Hailing from diverse fields, each possessing unique professional skills, we shared a common belief: to fuse traditional culture with modern art through creative expression, thereby crafting distinctive audiovisual works. Our initial steps were fraught with challenges, including financial constraints, resource limitations, and market competition. However, these obstacles spurred us to think more creatively about solutions.

Throughout our entrepreneurial voyage, we emphasized teamwork and innovative thinking, striving to break free from conventional frameworks. Our goal was to present culture in novel ways. Collaborating with other artistic and cultural teams broadened our impact and helped us establish a supportive community base. This path has been both challenging and passionate, fueled by our unwavering commitment to cultural creativity. We firmly believe that, fueled by continuous effort and a love for culture, KAKITAAN will continue to showcase unique value in the creative domain.

KAKITAAN 的創業心路是由五位年輕人共同開展的冒險。我們來自不同領域,擁有各種專業技能,共同的信念是想透過藝術文化創作,將傳統文化與現代藝術相結合,創造獨特的影視作品。起初,我們面臨了各種挑戰,包括資金、資源和市場競爭,但這些挑戰也促使我們更努力地思考解決方案。  在創業過程中,我們注重了團隊合作和創意思維,努力打破傳統框架,希望以不同的方式呈現文化。透過與其他藝文團隊合作,我們擴大了影響範圍,並建立了支持我們的群眾基礎。這條心路是充滿挑戰,但也充滿激情和對文化創意的堅持。我们相信,透過持續努力和對文化的熱愛,KAKITAAN將繼續在創意領域中展現獨特的價值。

Focus Person

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