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巴萬·希亞子 老師(漢名:王旭)


「薩谷德 / SAGUD」茗茶由來,源自 1993 年起由家族長輩種植, 並由專人統籌管理茶園,後因家族變故等因素,歷經茶園契作等變化,因此;決定重新評估茶產業之未來遠景。故自 2021 年起,「薩谷德 / SAGUD」茗茶首次建立自有品牌,我們試圖改變過去傳統的契作模式,開始有了自己的品牌名稱,以提供在地優質茶葉及文化創意行銷,達到品牌創立的長遠目標,實現環境 / 文化 / 設計的經營理念。

「薩谷德 / SAGUD」命名,源自賽德克族語 sguredan 音譯而來,意指 「山谷裡的梯田」。


以「茶」為中心串連結合相關聯產業,以「山品好物」的概念,提供品質 / 嚴選禮品好物,品味 / 設計出眾之商品,品德 / 誠信之商品,做為我們經營品牌店的宗旨,以推廣原民風格伴手禮,無論是食品、藝品、生活用品及出版品等,提供台灣原住民族特色生活風格之禮品。

Master Wang Xu


The origin of "SAGUD" tea dates back to 1993 when it was first cultivated by family elders and managed by dedicated tea garden experts. However, due to family circumstances and changes in tea cultivation practices, they decided to reevaluate the future prospects of the tea industry. Therefore, starting in 2021, "SAGUD" tea established its own brand for the first time, aiming to transform the traditional contract farming model. They now have their own brand name, providing locally sourced high-quality tea and engaging in cultural and creative marketing. Their long-term goal is to create a brand identity that embodies environmental, cultural, and design principles.

The name "SAGUD" is derived from the Seediq language, where "sguredan" translates to "terraced fields in the valley.

Selling Products

With "tea" as the core to connect and integrate related industries, SAGUD Tea offer quality/selected gifts, taste/outstanding design products, and virtue/integrity products, as our brand store's mission, to promote indigenous style souvenirs, whether they are food, art, lifestyle products, or publications, to provide gifts that reflect the unique culture and lifestyle of Taiwan's indigenous peoples.




Brand Story

SAGUD Tea: A Hidden Delight in the Heart of Time  

SAGUD, derived from the Sa'adu tribe's word for "terraced fields", specializes in high-mountain tea and high-mountain black tea. Cultivated with care by indigenous high-mountain tea farmers in the Hehuan Mountain tea region of Nantou County, Taiwan, these tea leaves yield a brew infused with the natural fragrance of flowers and fruits. The tea boasts a smooth, refined taste that embodies the essence of the high-mountain forests.

SAGUD's packaging features a minimalist design inspired by the cultural background of the Seediq tribe. It conveys an air of elegance and respect, making it an ideal gift that reflects both environmental consciousness and cultural heritage.

【薩谷德 SAGUD 高山茶,好喝的秘密都藏在時間裡】 

薩谷德 / SAGUD 茗茶,來自台灣南投縣仁愛鄉合歡山茶區,專營高山茶與高山紅茶。由原鄉部落高山茶農細心栽種的茶葉,茶湯蘊含自然花果的茶香氣,及喉韻甘醇細緻滑順等特質,是台灣茶品中最有滋味的高山茶,也是最能體現高山森林氣韻的優質茶葉。並以賽德克族文化背景設計的標誌包裝,以文化風格的簡約設計,傳遞對受禮者的尊貴禮遇,而成就環境 / 文化 / 設計的茶禮品概念。

Focus Person

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