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何田忠 老師





Master He TianZhong


To alter the stereotype that millet wine is exclusively produced by indigenous tribes and to address concerns about food safety, a legally compliant and regulated brewing workshop was established. This initiative has since evolved, allowing Taiwanese indigenous products to gain global recognition.

Selling Products

Wholesale and retail sale of various types of liquor and specialty agricultural products, and sale and purchase of liquor-making machinery.


Yuan Sheng Wine Business


Brand Story

Yuan Sheng Liquor Co., Ltd. was founded in 1995, and its predecessor was Yuan Sheng Hong, which was established in 1990. Over the past 20 years, we have been committed to optimizing our equipment, upgrading our fermentation technology, and designing our packaging style. We use Taiwanese grains and domestic fruits, combined with modern brewing techniques, to create unique flavors. Our goal is to subvert the stereotypes of traditional brewing and produce high-quality spirits that meet market hygiene standards, allowing consumers to experience the unique charm of Taiwan. At Original Sheng Liquor, we are not only pursuing excellent liquor products, but also letting consumers feel the "strong flavor of human kindness and the light aroma of good liquor" of Taiwanese people.

原昇酒業股份有限公司,創立於民國95年,其前身是民國90年創立的原生行。在過去的20多年裡,我們一直致力於優化廠內設備,並不斷提升發酵技術水準,以及精心設計包裝風格。 我們採用臺灣的穀物和國產水果,結合現代化的釀造工藝,釀造出獨特風味的酒類。我們的目標是顛覆傳統釀造的刻板印象,生產出高品質且符合市場衛生標準之酒品,讓消費者感受到臺灣獨特的魅力。 在原昇酒業,我們追求的不僅是出色的酒品,更要讓消費者感受到臺灣人「濃濃的人情味,淡淡的好酒香」。

Focus Person

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