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陳輝龍 老師


品牌名稱為我原鄉部落的地名,Tafalong 太巴塱。為了尊敬部落名稱稍作更改 Taifalong 太發龍,在 LOGO 上也使用最大部落象徵的白色螃蟹為 LOGO。


1. 建立品牌原汁原味形象

2. 活絡當地農民和行銷推廣者鏈結

3. 參與市集活動

4. 口碑行銷與 DM 行銷

5. 推廣現場手作體驗




Master Chen Huilong


The brand name is the name of my native tribe, Taifalong. In order to honor the name of the tribe, Taifalong is slightly changed, and the white crab, which is the biggest symbol of the tribe, is also used as the logo.

In order to effectively market and promote the development of indigenous agricultural products in physical stores and bazaars, we can follow the key points below: 

1. build up the image of the brand's original flavor 

2. activate the link between local farmers and marketers 

3. Participate in marketplace activities 

4. word-of-mouth marketing and DM marketing 

5. Promote on-site handicraft experience

Through these methods, we hope to attract more urban partners to pay attention to and participate in the culture of indigenous food picking.

Selling Products

The health package is based on the rice culture of the indigenous people: millet, black rice, red glutinous rice, red chenopodiaceae rice is served with the main course of pork, seafood and wild vegetables, such as longan, and is garnished with East Taiwan's Lohasan flower brew and chili peppers. For hot pot, we have two kinds of hot pot with wild vegetables and spicy hot pot. For the bread, we have an interesting combination of pesto and spring onion.




Brand Story

It all started when we entered the Institute of Food and Tourism Management at Fu Jen Catholic University the year before last and arranged a professional observation trip in food and tourism. This trip led us to open the door of local specialty tourism in East Taiwan, combining the richness of local specialties and cuisines. At the suggestion of my professor, I focused on the efforts of the Council of Indigenous Peoples (COIP) to promote the aboriginal industry. We have worked closely with the Aboriginal Private Corporation, which has provided us with support and professional training to enhance the ability of the Aboriginal people to survive in this highly competitive city.

My entrepreneurial journey has brought me more knowledge and experience of indigenous cuisine. The East Taiwan region is rich in local specialty ingredients, which are blended with indigenous cultural elements and unique cooking methods, which are the underpinnings of my entrepreneurial endeavors. This trip also opened my attention to the friendly small farmers in Eastern Taiwan. Reaching out to local Friendly Farmers for support has allowed me to better explore the potential of local specialties and protect the sustainability of the land and the environment. The indigenous people's unique farming methods produce high-quality agricultural products, allowing us to savor fresher, more natural ingredients.


創業旅程帶給我更多的是對於原鄉美食的知識和體會,東台灣地區擁有豐富的在地特色食材,這些美食都融合了原住民的文化元素和獨特的烹飪方法,以上是我創業的底蘊。 這趟旅程也開啟了我對東台灣友善小農的關注。並接觸在地友善小農尋求支持,讓我能夠更好地發掘出當地特色美食的潛力,並且保護土地與環境的永續發展。原民以獨特的耕作方式,種植出高品質的農產品,讓我們能夠品嚐到更加新鮮、天然的食材。

Focus Person

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