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周映彤 老師







其他:手工皮革(手機背袋)、編織布品(配件)、桌旗、SETTA 手工涼鞋

Master Zhou Yingtong


The Atayal tribe, with its unique weaving craftsmanship, is a source of pride for Taiwan. This intricate and time-consuming weaving process not only embodies the beauty of traditional craftsmanship passed down through centuries but also carries deep family emotions and love. Among them, the New Jiayang Tribe is located in Taiwan's Lishan area, with a long history. Over time, it has integrated into modern life while also cultivating Taiwan's high mountain tea. Through serendipity, a brand named "Taiwan Atayal" has emerged, combining the Atayal tribe's distinctive handwoven bands with Japanese wooden clogs (geta). The brand aims to engage in trade and export, showcasing the exquisite craftsmanship and beauty of the Atayal tribe to the world.

Selling Products

1. Lishan High Mountain Tea

2. Brown Sugar Pearl Fresh Milk Tea

3. Kyoto Uji Matcha

4. Roasted Oolong Milk Tea

5. Makao Herbal Tea

6. Golden Praise Pineapple Green Tea

7. Fresh Lemon Green Tea

8. Fresh Orange Green Tea

9. Baking

10. Handcrafted Leather

11. Woven Fabric Accessories

12. Table Flags

13. Handmade Setta Sandals




Brand Story

In 2020, during the pandemic, I became involved in the tea beverage industry under the brand name "Taiya" in Japen. My parents returned to Taiwan due to the pandemic, and they made significant decisions for the sake of family and business development. However, my mother's health deteriorated rapidly. In January 2021, I decided to take a break from my studies to care for her, entering the workforce early and fully immersing myself in my job. Through my work in the food and beverage industry, I gained valuable experience in understanding the standard operating procedures (SOPs) of multinational corporations and the basics of the restaurant business.  A pivotal moment occurred in August 2022 when I participated in an international forum for indigenous youth. This event deepened my awareness of the importance of cultural heritage for indigenous peoples. It also allowed me to reconnect with my own culture, roots, and cultural identity. With renewed determination, I aim to further promote Taiya culture globally, enhance understanding among fellow tribe members, and continue our family legacy and business development.

2020 年疫情肆虐,以台灣泰雅(品牌)的名義投身茶飲直營與加盟事業。父母因疫情返台,為了家庭與事業的發展做了重大的決定。因母親健康狀況急轉直下。2021 年 1 月為減輕家庭負擔,讓母親能夠好好休養直到康復。自我生涯規劃做了調整,休學專心照顧母親,提前進入社會,全心投入工作,不僅深刻體會到賺錢和工作的辛勞,同時對生活價值觀有了很大的轉變。由於從事餐飲相關產業,看到有規模的跨國企業 SOP 制定和餐飲業的基本理解上獲得了相當的經驗。 轉捩點再現 : 於 2022 年 8 月,参與國際原住民族青年論壇。此次活動讓我深刻意識到文化傳承對原住民族的重要性,也讓我重新找回了自己的文化、根源和文化認同。我決心再找回自己文化的同時,讓全球與族人們更深入了解泰雅族的文化,並延續家族事業與發展。

Focus Person

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