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趙哲櫻 老師


鹿馬岸Luma’an (阿美語:家裡的…)

私房菜餚 ‧ 音樂人文 ‧ 以家之名 ‧ 分享熱情。




Master Zhao Zheying


Luma’an (Amis: family…)

Private cuisine ‧ Music and humanities ‧ In the name of family ‧ Sharing passion.

Lumagan is a restaurant with innovative ideas based on South Island culture. Using Taiwanese native tribal ingredients and integrating international South Island elements, we present multicultural and creative cuisine.

Visiting Luma'an, you will immersively experience the rich cultural colors of Taiwanese aborigines and international South Island food/music/attire/dance and handicrafts.

Selling Products

Specialty catering/Customized table dishes/Afternoon tea/BBQ/Light meals/Live music performances/Weiya spring wine/Private events/Art courses/Venue rental/Exquisite catering


Luma’an Austronesian Culture Humanistic Restaurant 


Brand Story

During the renovation at the end of 2023, representatives from eight classes of Ami people from various fields gathered in Luma'an!

La Construction/La Yuancu/La Ganjun/La Supervision/La Millennium/La Legislator/Lhasadong/Lagudang

We are busy walking around the construction site every day, but everyone is like a family, with different blood flowing in their bodies but with an excited sense of unity!

The most beautiful humanities after the opening are the children from the tribe. In addition to catering services, they occasionally lead guests to perform a welcome round dance in the space, symbolizing the integration of ethnic groups regardless of your or my world view.




Focus Person

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