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呂婉玲 老師


如今品牌設計結合了女兒的特色,將品牌理念與女兒生肖「虎」與「性格」 帶入 LOGO 之中,傳遞著「小老虎熱愛雞蛋仔」的意象,展現品牌的初衷。



Master Haluyi


The brand design now incorporates our daughter's unique characteristics, blending the brand philosophy with her zodiac sign, the "Tiger", and her personality. This conveys the imagery of a "little tiger loving egg puffs" and reflects the brand's original intent.

Selling Products

Desserts, Beverages.

虎 ARE YOU? 港式雞蛋仔



Brand Story

In the beginning, we were entrepreneurial partners, learning from our predecessors on the path of entrepreneurship. It was during this journey that we stumbled upon delicious egg puffs, leaving a lasting impression. Inspired by this, we decided to delve into egg puff research and create a street food sensation at night markets.  After marriage, when our daughter came along, she developed a preference for egg puffs over egg cakes. Speaking of egg puffs, they not only delighted our taste buds but also became a repository of cherished memories. Most importantly, the flavor crafted by Mom and Dad is something our child will forever remember. And so, the first "虎 ARE YOU" I'm Little Tiger flagship store was born.

起初我們就是一同創業的伴侶,當時在創業路上跟著前輩學習之中,機遇吃到好吃的雞蛋仔, 從此就留下深刻的印象,因此起了念頭轉而投入研發雞蛋仔,在夜市打造街頭小吃。接著婚後有了女兒,因為著女兒「專吃雞蛋仔,不吃雞蛋糕」。說起雞蛋仔,除了吃到滿口幸福味道,更是留下許多美好回憶。最重要的是,爸爸、媽媽做的味道,孩子是會永遠記住的,而從此造就了第一間「虎 ARE YOU 」I'm little tiger  創始店。

Focus Person

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