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林家瑜 老師


乒夢,就是「拼一個夢想」的象徵。 我們的球場不僅提供專業桌球技能教學和賽事,更透過各種活動傳遞追逐夢想的精神。 




1. 專業乒乓球技能教學

2. 多元乒乓球賽事舉辦

3. 創新的族語教學課程

4. 原民親子乒乓球課程

5. 運用運動科技增進學習體驗

6. 公益活動時段促進社區參與

7. 提供夢想追逐的心靈培育

8. 融合桌球、族語、科技的綜合教學

9. 打造文化多元的交流平台

10. 自創品牌周邊商品

Master Lin Jiayu (Lapas)


"We will persist until we succeed."

Our table tennis arena not only provides professional table tennis skills training and competitions but also conveys the essence of chasing dreams through various activities.

Inside our facility, we integrate table tennis with teaching indigenous languages, aiming to cultivate traditional culture in children's lives.

Persist.t is not just a place to learn table tennis, it's a launching pad for dreams, allowing every student to experience the boundless possibilities of pursuing their aspirations.

Selling Products

Professional Ping Pong Skills Training

Diverse Ping Pong Tournaments

Innovative Indigenous Language Teaching Courses

Indigenous Parent-Child Ping Pong Classes

Enhancing Learning Experiences Through Sports Technology

Community Engagement Through Public Welfare Activities

Nurturing Dreams and Aspirations

Integrated Teaching Combining Table Tennis, Indigenous Languages, and Technology

Creating a Multicultural Platform for Exchange

Developing Original Brand Merchandise

乒夢Persist 桌球教室



Brand Story

Our entrepreneurial journey was inspired by our deep passion for table tennis, and we aspire to pass on this love and skill to more aspiring students. Simultaneously, we emphasize teaching the Amis language, specifically targeting Amis children to provide them with more learning and employment opportunities. This venture is not just a classroom, it's a hub for dreams. Through learning table tennis skills, our students also immerse themselves in the rich culture of the Amis tribe. We firmly believe that this combination will not only open up more pathways for the children's future but also continue to shine a light on our culture in this land.

我們創業的契機源於深厚的乒乓球選手經驗,期盼將這份熱愛和技術傳遞給更多追夢的學員。同時,我們以族語教學為特色,特別針對阿美族的孩子提供更多學習及就業機會。 這段創業旅程不僅是一個教室,更是夢想的樞紐,透過乒乓球技能的學習,讓學員同時感受到族語文化的豐富。我們堅信,透過這樣的結合,不僅能夠為孩子們打開更多未來的門路,更能夠繼續發揚文化在這片土地上的光輝。

Focus Person

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