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陳靜怡 老師








感謝傾聽 感謝相遇 C.C16期待著妳的到來





Master Iris

Sincerity - treat every customer with heart

Professional-diversified solutions for customers

Loyal to quality - carefully select products and strictly control the quality of clothing

"Aesthetic | Warmth | Professional | Quality"

This is also the original vision of C.C16

That's what we're doing now

Thanks again to every friend who recognizes and likes us

Thank you for listening. Thank you for meeting me. C.C16 is looking forward to your arrival.

Every piece of clothing here is carefully selected by the lady. I hope everyone likes it.

Selling Products

Korean women's clothing

Korean women's clothing accessories

C.C 16 Korea 服飾



Brand Story

Since starting its business in its twenties, it has been in business for more than 15 years, and has gone through a name change and relocation. C.C16 Korea is one of the few 5% of successful entrepreneurs. Ban Niang has been exposed to fashion-related industries since she was young. After deciding that clothing was her favorite, she embarked on the road of starting a business and opening a store.

The shopkeeper believes that her strength is matching, and she will observe the style and body shape of the customers to help find suitable items. If there is really no suitable item, she will explain it to the customer; the store management will not call customers for the sake of sales, and adhere to the principle of thinking. Next, choose comfortably. Such a natural way makes customers stick with you very much. The shop owner also puts a lot of effort into quality control. She recalled that when she used to carry goods in Dongdaemun, she would insist on visiting more than a dozen stores before starting to choose. She would sleep for less than ten hours in four days; but in the past, With the accumulated basic skills, even when the epidemic raged in the past few years, the supply and quality of the store remained stable, thus winning praise from customers.

從二十多歲創業至今,開業超過15年,歷經一次更名與搬遷,C.C16 Korea 是屬於少數5%的成功創業者。闆娘從年輕時就持續接觸流行相關產業,在確定服飾類是自己的最愛後,踏上創業開店之路。

闆娘認為自己的強項是搭配,會觀察客人的風格、身形,,幫忙尋找適合的單品, 若實在沒有合適的也會和客人說明;店內經營不會為了銷貨而call客人,秉持著想來再來、舒服挑選,如此順其自然的方式讓客人黏著度很高。闆娘也付出極高的心力在品質控管上,她回憶過去在東大門帶貨,一定堅持把十幾棟賣場全部逛完才開始挑選,會經四天睡不到十小時;但過去所累積的基本功夫,即使前幾年疫情肆虐,店內供貨與品質依然維持穩定,因而獲得顧客讚賞。

Focus Person

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